Some peope think that Friday 13th is bad luck.....well for us, it was a day of celebration as it marked two whole months since Twin Sisters Rachel and Helen launched Twinny Things. We feel extremely proud of what we have achieved so far. Our first week launching was nerve racking for both of us since we had spent so many months building our website, sourcing and designing our Twin gifts, designing and printing our Twin greeting cards and then BOOM we were into production and into the big world wide web.
Our social media presence started off a bit slow, but we have spent time engaging with our followers and have really got to know them, their experiences, their stories and family life. 8 weeks on and our social media channels have grown to a number we could only dream of. We continue to engage with all our followers as we thoroughly enjoy seeing all their updates and love their feedback.

Week 6 saw us reach a dream goal that originally we had wanted to achieve in the first 3 months, we had our first shipment to America, Minnesota to be precise. This certainly gave us a lot of confidence that our brand is being seen globally and we hope to reach all corners of the globe.
Week 7 we became members of Twin Trust which had some interesting comments on their Facebook post about us. Initially we were very upset by this but we took the comments on board and have seen this as constructive feedback. Lots of people mesaged us their support and commented very positive comments which really meant a lot to us.
We just want to say thank you to all of you for your support so far. We really apprecaite your comments, shares, likes and purchases. If you have purchased a twin gift or twin greeting card from us, we would be very grateful if you could leave us a Google Review about your item.
Over the next few weeks Twin Sisters Rachel and Helen will be working on some new Twin gift ideas so if you have any ideas or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are a unique online twin greeting card and twin gift company that specialises in Twins and Multiples. We have a variety of twin greeting cards to choose from including twin birthday cards, twin good luck cards and twin seasonal cards – a twin greeting card for every occasion.