Privacy & Cookies

Privacy Policy

This is Twinny Things website privacy policy. Please read it through carefully. It tells you how we handle the personal information that we collect through this website. Please only submit information to us through our website if you agree we may use it in accordance with this policy.


This website is provided by Twinny Things, based in Wolverhampton England. More information about us can be found on the 'About Us' page.


We collect certain basic information about you when you order products from our website. We recognise the importance of both keeping your information secure and of letting you know what we intend to do with it. We may amend our policy to reflect changes to our business, website, data protection law or of the legislation. We therefore ask you to revisit this page on a regular basis to ensure you are familiar with its terms. The policy sets out (1) who we are, and describes (2) the information we collect, (3) what we do with it and (4), how you can find out more.

We collect information on you from this website:

  • when you complete an on-line form or order
  • when you pay for the products that we provide
  • by means of 'cookies' when you use our website
  • by use of 'web beacons' embedded in our emails, and
  • in the form of 'traffic data'.


In general, we will collect the information we need to provide you with the service to which the form relates. For example, if you place an order, we will collect your name and address, your telephone number, and your email address, and any other information which is required to process the product or service you are purchasing.

Where we ask for more information to help us improve our services, over and above the basic information required, your response is voluntary and you are free to not provide us with more information if you would prefer not to do so.


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computers hard drive by websites you visit to enable the website to 'remember' who you are. In general, cookies are only visible to the website that serves them, not to other websites. 'Serves' means placed on your computers hard drive.

Where we ask for more information to help us improve our services, over and above the basic information required, your response is voluntary and you are free to not provide us with more information if you would prefer not to do so.

The cookies we use do not store any information that identifies you personally, such as by a name or address. Our website uses 'persistant cookies' which allocate a unique ID number to track your sessions. Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive until you delete them. These cookies originate from the web server hosting our website, so are 'first party' cookies.

We use the free Google Analytics Tool (see 'How Google uses data when you use our partners sites or apps to collect and analyse website statistics. Google Analytics uses persistent cookies to track data. These cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information and are only used for the statistical collection of data such as visits and page hits. Google Analytics cookies store IP addresses but we cannot link those addresses to any individual or path through the website. Google uses the cookies to read information and evaluate visitors use of the website in the form of statistical reports that we can access. The Google Analytics code is incorporated into our websites code so that our website serves the cookies, but Google has access to the cookies. You can stop being tracked by Google Analytics across all our websites by going to Googles site at


Most browsers automatically accept cookies and you should be able to accept, delete or reject them if you wish by adjusting the settings on your browser. This will, however, affect your use of the areas of our website that use cookies.

For more information about cookies, please see the ICO website


Webpages or HTML emails may contain an electronic file called a web beacon, which allows us to count users who have visited that page or to access certain cookies. We may include web beacons for marketing emails to determine which emails were opened (including by people to whom you forward the email) and to record whether a message was acted on. This helps us assess the effectiveness of our marketing communications and to ensure we are sending people information which they find useful. We will not know if you open an email if you do not download images when viewing one of our HTML emails, or if you choose to receive emails from us in plain text.

You cannot opt out of or refuse web beacons. However, where they are used in conjunction with cookies you can stop them by opting out of cookies. For details on how to do this, please see 'How To Adjust Your Browser Settings' above.


We keep a record of traffic data which is logged automatically by the server. This includes your IP address, the website address you visited before ours, the website address you visit after leaving our website and which pages you visit on our website. We do not store or analyse this traffic data in a way that identifies any individual.


We use your information to provide you with the products and services that you request from us, and, if you have opted-in to receive emails from us with promotional offers or information, to offer you products and services that we consider appropriate for you in the future. The lawful basis on which we process personal data is that we have a legitimate interest in doing so. Twinny Things does not sell, trade, rent or pass on your information to third parties.

Any information received regarding the payment for any product or service will be used to process that payment. If you opt-in and choose to receive emails from us which relate to marketing information or promotional offers, the information (except any credit card details) will be kept on our marketing database and used by us to service your requirements if you place another order. Information on our marketing database is available to our marketing and administrative staff but may not be accessed by anyone else. If you do not opt-in to receive marketing information or promotional offers when you place your order, we will use the information you have given us to process your order efficiently, but we will not contact you regarding any other matter which does not directly relate to the processing of your order.

We will keep you on our mailing list until you ask us not to contact you further. See 'finding out more' below for details of how to opt-out of mailings from us. Please not that we use a third party system to send out our marketing emails.


We may disclose your information to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • Suppliers who process information on our behalf, such as our IT service providers. They will have incidental access to your information but will be obliged to act only on our instructions and to keep your information secure.
  • Independent suppliers, who may handle your information as our client in the course of processing one of our orders, are required to respect and preserve the confidentiality of personal information.
  • We may disclose your information to law enforcement or regulatory bodies if required to do so by them and to our auditors.
  • We may also disclose your information to a third party in the context of actual or threatened legal proceedings or if otherwise required to do so by law.
  • With analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimization of our website.


Only authorised personnel and contractors have access to your information.

We will keep your information secure by taking appropriate technical and organisational measures against its unauthorised or unlawful processing and against its accidental loss, destruction or damage. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our website; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.


Our marketing emails will always contain an opt-out link which you can click on. Alternatively, you can ask us to stop sending you marketing material at any time by writing to us at

We will always include an unsubscribe email address when we send you marketing information or promotional offers by email.

You have a legal right to see a copy of the information we hold about you on payment of a statutory fee of £10 (VAT exempt).

You also have the right to correct any errors in the information that we hold about you. Please inform us about changes to your details so that we can keep our records accurate and up to date. We may request proof of identity before we can disclose information to you.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the information we hold about you, please contact us

Further information about data protection issues including the online Register of Data Controllers can be found on the Information Commissioners website.